Work in HR? It’s Time for Edutainment in the Workplace

Learn what edutainment is and how it brings teams together through shared experiences.
The rise of edutainment in the workplace is here. A well-established teaching and training methodology for in-person learning, edutainment is now being seen through a new lens as it applies to virtual education and work.
You may be wondering: What exactly is edutainment? And why should HR professionals be paying attention? defines edutainment as “any form of entertainment that is educational. The goal of edutainment is to make learning enjoyable and fun [and] it can be used to teach nearly any topic.”
Edutainment has long occurred in person. For example, in a traditional classroom or professional development training session. It also can occur online — and is increasingly doing so. For instance, an online classroom or a remote conference may utilize edutainment.
Some specific examples of edutainment include gamification training, learning management systems (LMS) that include forums, and drama-based training.
The connection to HR isn’t hard to see. Those in HR know how challenging it is to create a positive, unified team culture in the best of times. Amidst high employee turnover and the virtual landscape many are now working in — which only looks to increase in 2023 — that challenge is exacerbated.
Using edutainment in the workplace can help. The advantage of edutainment is how it educates and trains your employees while simultaneously creating fun, shared experiences that bring teams together and develop a positive workplace culture.
3 Ways Edutainment in the Workplace Brings Teams Together
1: Inserts Fun Into the Everyday
Gamification is “a process where engagement strategies incorporate game-based elements – for example, point-scoring, competitions, or rewards – as a way of encouraging team members to be actively engaged in the workplace.” A playful way to train employees on whatever topic is necessary, this form of edutainment brings teams together by simply inserting some fun into the everyday nature of work.
That said, shared experiences are about more than just having fun. The article The Serious Fun of Shared Experiences at Work explains how “by planning activities that encourage bonding and meaning, companies can help employees feel like they are a part of a team [and that] in 2016, a Yale study showed that experiences are amplified and more meaningful if they are shared.”
2: Provides New Ways to Connect
Edutainment in the workplace can occur through your learning management system (LMS): “A software application that provides the framework that handles all aspects of the learning process — it’s where you house, deliver, and track your training content.”
One way to do this is via the inclusion of an interactive element such as a discussion board or forum. Including a discussion forum in LMS “is a good idea to achieve a vibrant LMS that immerses learners and elevates their appetite to learn. After all, learning in silos has never been the forte of humans. Their learning thrives on interactions and observations.”
Learning in silos isn’t the only problem. Working in silos generally doesn’t serve employees or companies well either. Colleagues, especially those in a virtual setting, can connect with one another in new, low-pressure ways when using online forums. They can identify teammates with similar interests or struggles, share institutional knowledge, and experience the company-wide training together.
3: Encourages Genuine Relationships
Drama-based training is edutainment in the workplace in the form of live performances, film, and multimedia presentations. An example includes our True Colors Live Show, a fun and entertaining way to add entertainment, interaction, and skills learning to a wide range of events. Example: Meetings, conferences, keynotes, employee onboarding programs, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, staff retreats, and more.
As employees enjoy comedic performances that open the door to understanding different personalities and behaviors, they also come together in a fun, interactive way that sets the foundation for genuine relationship building. The shared experience of our live performance — delivered in person or online — can lead to the kind of honest dialogue that productive, successful teams require.
Now Is the Time for Edutainment in the Workplace
Start bringing your teams together with edutainment in the workplace to insert fun into the everyday, provide new ways to connect, and encourage genuine relationships. These shared experiences will help build the positive workplace needed to increase employee engagement and retention during this time of constant change.