True Education Solutions

The best educators — in K-12 or higher education — are great communicators who bring out the strengths and talents in those around them. They use their communication skills to understand the needs of each learner and create environments where everyone can excel.
True Colors educates faculty, staff, and students on how to communicate more effectively with each other and among peers. Effective communication requires active listening, understanding biases, and emotional intelligence.
We have programming that will directly affect recruitment results, dropout rates, attendance, bullying prevention, graduation rates, classroom achievement, and college and career readiness. Whatever challenges your campus may be facing, we have solutions to assist in bringing personal, professional, and academic success.
“A tool that was trialed and became the standard for our program is True Colors. Participants connected quickly and easily with the principles of True Colors and reported that they felt it easier to understand than the MBTi. True Colors was chosen for a number of reasons, including the ability to easily self-administer the assessment along with individuals’ immediate connection to the principles covered by the tool.
The social nature of the instrument also provided an appropriate lead into the curriculum to follow, which involved working extensively with others, either individually or in teams. In addition, the True Colors tool was simpler and less expensive to administer.”

Dr. Frank Herron | Assistant Superintendent, Red Lion Area School District, Red Lion, PA
K-12 Education
Learn how True Colors can help educators transform their schools by preparing students with lifelong skills.
Our Evidence-based Approach
The True Colors proprietary methodology distills complex temperament theory into practical tools and actionable programs. We use colors — Orange, Gold, Green, and Blue — to differentiate the four primary personality types and illuminate how these types best interact with each other.
By helping individuals better understand themselves and others, our evidence-based approach reveals the “why” behind behavioral issues within organizations.
Utilizing this knowledge, True Colors provides programmatic solutions that improve communication and relationships.
True Colors Education Solutions
Personal Awareness & Success
Team Building
Conflict Navigation
Teaching & Learning Styles
True Parenting
True Coaching
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Emotional Intelligence
Social Emotional Learning
Higher Education
Learn how True Colors can elevate your campus culture through personal awareness, improved communication, and increased emotional intelligence.